Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bush's Hypocrisy

Bush stirred controversy when he invoked the tragedy of Vietnam to justify our continued presence in Iraq during a speech delivered on August 22 . During the speech, Bush once again trotted out the fictitious assertion that "for the security of the United States of America,we must defeat them overseas so that we do not face them in the United States of America".

On the same day, the Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell told the El Paso Times that the number of Iraqis detained crossing the Southwest border this year has tripled compared to last year. The majority of those detained were supposedly seeking asylum, however an anonymous U.S. intelligence analyst told the Times that coyotes are telling Iraqis to ask for amnesty if caught. McConnell admitted that a small number of people with known ties to terrorism have been caught crossing the border.

So Bush has our troops deployed in Iraq to prevent terror attacks on Main Street USA, while every year hundreds of thousands of people (including hundreds of Iraqis, i.e., potential terrorists) are allowed to illegally cross our southern border. Bush wants to close Iraq's borders with Iran and Syria, but apparently doesn't give a damn about securing our own borders. Of course Bush lives in a bubble and either doesn't realize or doesn't care that far more Americans have been killed in the last six years by drunk driving and murdering illegal aliens than died on 9-11.

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