Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ron Paul for President

Ron Paul represents what I once believed the Republican party stood for - limited government, lower taxes, individual rights and freedom. He is now the only GOP candidate espousing these values. He has written extensively on all political topics of interest (www.ronpaullibrary.org), so there is a record of what the man believes. Unlike most modern politicians, Paul's set of beliefs is not based on prevailing popular opinion or what is most likely to get him elected. Ron Paul is consistent and does not compromise his principles.

Paul opposes any legislation that is not explicitly authorized by the Constitution. He believes in a republican form of government as envisioned by our nation's founding fathers, not the out-of-control, wasteful behemoth that we have today.

Ron Paul is strongly pro-life and his position is not just one of political expediency. He is a medical doctor who delivered 4,000 babies during his career. His voting record in Congress has earned him a 0% rating from
NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League).

Paul has opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning and believes that no war should ever be fought without a declaration of war voted on by the Congress, as required in the Constitution. It has become apparent to all but the most ardent
koolaid-drinking Bushites that the war is a failure that we were led into under false pretenses. We were attacked on 9-11 by 15 Saudis, an Egyptian, a Lebanese and two men from the United Arab Emirates; and we responded by invading Iraq. Ron Paul supports our troops by seeking to bring them home now, preventing the deaths of thousands more of our young men.

Ron Paul, like our founding fathers, knows that the biggest threat to our liberty is our own government. Paul defines freedom as "the ability of citizens to live without government interference." He knows that the founders did not include the 2nd amendment in the Constitution for 'sporting purposes'. Paul's own words say it best. The 2nd amendment "is about preventing tyranny. The Founders knew that unarmed citizens would never be able to overthrow a tyrannical government as they did. They envisioned government as a servant, not a master, of the American people."
Ron Paul is a strong defender of the right to bear arms and has been rated 100% by the NRA.

Ron Paul believes that free trade deals like NAFTA, and world governmental bodies are a threat to our national sovereignty. He believes that we must withdraw from organizations that threaten our freedom and independence.

Paul believes that one of the legitimate functions of government is securing our borders. He is opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens and has introduced a constitutional amendment (H.J.RES.46)
to end the insane anchor baby policy that rewards lawbreaking.

Ron Paul is the true conservative in the race. (Note that war is not a conservative value. Democrat presidents got our country involved in every major war that America fought in during the 20th century.) Ron Paul stands in stark contrast to the front runners from either party. He and I share common values and aspirations for our country, and that is why I support Ron Paul for President in 2008.

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