Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Do you know Ron Paul?

Ron Paul's 2010 Republican primary challenger has a website named Do You Know Ron Paul? As if Ron Paul has a hidden agenda. I assume that Paul's opponent takes the opposing view to each of the items in the list of "what Ron Paul really stands for." Here is a sample of what Dr. Paul "really stands for":
  • "Wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve and return to the Gold Standard."
  • "Wants to get rid of the Department of Education." So did Ronald Reagan; this was actually in the GOP platform as late as 1996. (BTW - the Dept. of Ed. is only one of several US Gov't Departments that Ron Paul wants to get rid of)
  • "Wants to get rid of the IRS." I wager that opposition to this will garner Mr. Cherry lots of support.
  • "Wants to bring home all troops from Iraq immediately and shut down U.S military bases worldwide."What? Ron Paul is against the Iraq War?
  • "Wants to cut off all foreign aid to all countries."
  • "Wants to pull us out of the World Trade Organization, World Bank and International Monetary Fund." Apparently Mr. Cherry is a proponent of the New World Order
And Mr. Cherry apparently thinks that constituents of Texas's 14th Congressional District are a bunch of morons. After all, Dr. Paul has made no secret of what he stands for. His views are well known and documented (especially following the '08 presidential campaign) and District 14 has elected Paul to his House seat seven times (including 2008 when Paul won 70% of the vote in a primary challenge).

Will the voters of District 14 again "say yes to the Constitution and freedom" or settle for an establishment tool wannabe?

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