Friday, August 29, 2008

She'd make a great VP, but...

McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate will certainly make the presidential race more interesting. From what I have heard and read about her she sounds like an actual conservative (as opposed to McCain). She is for drilling in ANWR (as opposed to McCain). And she is definitely not a Beltway insider or an elitist (as opposed to McCain). And she is pretty (as opposed to McCain). All of these are good things. Although, I would like to know more about where she stands on certain issues such as immigration and the Iraq War (since McCain is abysmal on both). But if she were running for Governor of Texas, she would likely have my vote.

Considering that the traditional role of the Vice President is largely symbolic, Palin would probably make a great VP. The only problem is that sometimes the Vice President becomes the President. Based on history, there is a 20% chance that she will become President prior to the 2012 election. Nine VPs have assumed the office of President; four as the result of natural death of the President, four by assassination, and one by resignation.

Three years removed from being the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska (pop. 6,715); there is no way that Palin is prepared to be one breath away from being the leader of free world. According to McCain, "we live in a very dangerous world." He says, "And there are situations which can arise which are not readily foreseen, ...that in my view require experience, knowledge, and judgment." Palin is definitely lacking in experience and her knowledge and judgment are still unproven. If McCain is serious about the world being a dangerous place, then his selection of a running mate is very unserious. If Palin were a man with the same resume, she/he would never have even been considered.

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