Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm throwing in the towel

In a message last week to his supporters Ron Paul ruled out a third party candidacy, which means that I'm throwing in the towel on the 2008 presidential election.

I won't remove the 'Ron Paul for President' sticker from my bumper until after the March 4 Texas primary and will still cast my primary vote for Dr. Paul, but my hopes for real change in Washington (not the socialist hell disguised as change that is promised by Obama) have been extinguished.

Although sometimes frustrating, Ron Paul's candidacy has been very formative in my own political beliefs. I've come to realize that there is no place for me and my beliefs in the Republican party. I cannot support the perpetual war candidate. (As a selfish aside - my son will be draft age in 12 years, just 1/8 of the way through McCain's 100 year plan for Iraq.) And of course the Democratic party offers no alternative. As disgusted as I am with the GOP, the democrats are still socialists who think it is OK to murder unborn babies.

The lesser of two evils is still evil, so I will either stay home in November or vote for the Libertarian/Constitution party candidate. Either way, come January 20, 2009 we will have a new president; and I will still go to work every day, pay my taxes, pay my bills, love my wife and kids, cheer for the Texas Longhorns, take my family to church on Sunday, and put my faith in God (and not any man).

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