With one exception, the GOP candidates for President do very little to excite me. If any of the front-runners win the nomination I will either stay home on election day or cast my vote for a third party candidate. I supported the Republican presidential candidate from the time that I was of voting age until my disgust with King George's first term had me pulling the lever for Perouka (Constitution Party candidate) in 2004.
The Republican party once again offers no real candidate for the Christian conservative to vote for with a good conscience. I am 100% behind Ron Paul and the ideals that he stands for, and my car sports a Ron Paul for President bumper sticker, but I realize that he has little chance of being the Republican nominee. The following is my impression of the Republican candidates for President and why I will not be voting for whichever one wins the nomination.
Guiliani - I'm not sure why he is a Republican. He is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, anti-2nd amendment; yet he is the front-runner at this early date. I believe him to be a man of no moral character and a possible fascist. I would sooner vote for Hillary. It will be interesting to see the bumper stickers in the parking lot at the megachurch I attend if he is the Republican nominee.
McCain - I believe that he is already finished. McCain-Feingold campaign reform, his support of the current amnesty for illegal aliens, and general holding hands with the Democrats are three strikes against him. Also, he and Guiliani both have another thing in common that would preclude my voting for either man. As Harry Truman is reputed to have said, "How can I trust a man if his wife cannot".
Romney - If it was a beauty contest then he would have my vote. But anyone who is elected to statewide office in the state that has sent Ted Kennedy to the Senate for the last 30 years is a liberal. Also, even though it is not politically correct to say so, I would not vote for Romney for President because he is a Mormon. I believe it to be akin to voting for someone who believes in Santa Claus. I will change my mind if the Mormon church can produce the golden plates and the miraculous spectacles that Joseph Smith used to translate them. (Note: I would also not vote for a Hindu, Muslim, Hare Krishna, Scientologist, etc.)
Gingrich - I do not doubt his genius, but he has the same problem noted above concerning McCain and Guiliani. Not only is he an adulterer, but he is a hypocrite as well. He was having an affair with a 20-something year old staffer while leading the charge to impeach Clinton.
Fred Thompson - My mind was made up about him when I read the following statement in a story at Politico.com. "Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race...and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told the Politico." (Politico.com 5/30/2007). Enough said.
The second tier candidates Tancredo, Huckabee, Hunter and Brownback are all candidates that I agree with on most issues. However, I disagree with them all on the war in Iraq. At this time I consider the possible loss of thousands of more US serviceman in a seemingly pointless war to be the issue that trumps all others. I personally do not believe the Bush administration propaganda about fighting them over there so that we are not fighting them here. The chances are much greater of my family or me getting killed by a drunk driving illegal alien than dying in a terrorist attack.
All of the above being said, I support Ron Paul for President in 2008.
The Republican party once again offers no real candidate for the Christian conservative to vote for with a good conscience. I am 100% behind Ron Paul and the ideals that he stands for, and my car sports a Ron Paul for President bumper sticker, but I realize that he has little chance of being the Republican nominee. The following is my impression of the Republican candidates for President and why I will not be voting for whichever one wins the nomination.
Guiliani - I'm not sure why he is a Republican. He is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, anti-2nd amendment; yet he is the front-runner at this early date. I believe him to be a man of no moral character and a possible fascist. I would sooner vote for Hillary. It will be interesting to see the bumper stickers in the parking lot at the megachurch I attend if he is the Republican nominee.
McCain - I believe that he is already finished. McCain-Feingold campaign reform, his support of the current amnesty for illegal aliens, and general holding hands with the Democrats are three strikes against him. Also, he and Guiliani both have another thing in common that would preclude my voting for either man. As Harry Truman is reputed to have said, "How can I trust a man if his wife cannot".
Romney - If it was a beauty contest then he would have my vote. But anyone who is elected to statewide office in the state that has sent Ted Kennedy to the Senate for the last 30 years is a liberal. Also, even though it is not politically correct to say so, I would not vote for Romney for President because he is a Mormon. I believe it to be akin to voting for someone who believes in Santa Claus. I will change my mind if the Mormon church can produce the golden plates and the miraculous spectacles that Joseph Smith used to translate them. (Note: I would also not vote for a Hindu, Muslim, Hare Krishna, Scientologist, etc.)
Gingrich - I do not doubt his genius, but he has the same problem noted above concerning McCain and Guiliani. Not only is he an adulterer, but he is a hypocrite as well. He was having an affair with a 20-something year old staffer while leading the charge to impeach Clinton.
Fred Thompson - My mind was made up about him when I read the following statement in a story at Politico.com. "Fred Dalton Thompson is planning to enter the presidential race...and is being backed by insiders from the past three Republican administrations, Thompson advisers told the Politico." (Politico.com 5/30/2007). Enough said.
The second tier candidates Tancredo, Huckabee, Hunter and Brownback are all candidates that I agree with on most issues. However, I disagree with them all on the war in Iraq. At this time I consider the possible loss of thousands of more US serviceman in a seemingly pointless war to be the issue that trumps all others. I personally do not believe the Bush administration propaganda about fighting them over there so that we are not fighting them here. The chances are much greater of my family or me getting killed by a drunk driving illegal alien than dying in a terrorist attack.
All of the above being said, I support Ron Paul for President in 2008.